Cadillac Ranch

The Cadillac Ranch is located along side Interstate 40, west of Amarillo, Texas.  It was created in 1974 when a local farmer had 10 Cadillacs “planted” hood-first into the ground in one of his fields.  Though on private property, the free exhibit is open to the public around the clock.  Most notable is that anyone can write or paint on the vehicles.

I first drove by the Cadillac Ranch in June 1988 on a road trip from Fort Worth, TX to Los Angeles, CA.  I had heard the song by Bruce Springsteed many times and was familiar with what it was but I didn’t know its location until I drove by it that day.  After moving to Texas, I would drive by the Ranch on my way to and from

Colorado each summer.  I was always in a hurry to get to where I was going that I didn’t stop and check it out.  Finally after  10 years of looking at it from the freeway, I decided to finally stop.  I left Trinidad, CO at 3am one January and drove like crazy so I could get to Amarillo at first light.  It turned out to be a spectacular sunrise that morning – it was one of those times when as you were taking the pictures, you couldn’t wait to see how they turned out.  This shoot was probably one of my favorite times shooting, even though the temperature was in the low 20’s.  My battery ran out just as I finished.

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